Wetenschapswinkel UT Onderzoeksrapporten


Improvement of grip and durability of uneven bars.

Pekkeriet, Daphne (2018) Improvement of grip and durability of uneven bars.

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Abstract: The uneven bars is a women's gymnastic apparatus which has changed significantly since the introduction in the ‘30’s of the past century. The bars are made out of a fibreglass core with a wood veneer layer around it. The bars show an increase in wear, causing a decrease in grip. In this thesis both subjective and objective aspects of grip are investigated. After a literature study three experiments were conducted. A bar was prepared to mimic the abrasive wear visible in the bars. Gymnasts were asked to make swings and to fill in a questionnaire about their perceived grip. The gymnasts graded the bars. A programme of requirements has been made with the collected data. New materials were searched for to fulfil the requirements. Two possible solutions were tested with the gymnasts. A double layer of veneer showed fast wear. The rubber coating showed positive results on first tests.
Domein: Techniek, technologie en chemische analyse
Datum: Januari 2018
Projectnummer: 2700
Copyright: Wetenschapswinkel Twente

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